Admission Requirements & Procedure


Admission to SBI is open to any person who:

  • is an adult;
  • can attend timetabled lessons at the SBI premises;
  • meets the course entry requirements, including English Language requirements;
  • pays the current course fees;
  • agrees to abide by SBI’s rules and procedures;
  • agrees to comply with the laws of New South Wales and Australia; and
  • for overseas students, meets the requirements of the Department of Home Affairs and is granted a student visa to study at SBI.



Selection for enrolment in our courses will be approved for applicants who meet the qualification selection criteria. In line with the Government policy, students with intellectual and physical disabilities are encouraged to participate in training.

Applicants must be 18 years and above. Furthermore, students should have satisfactorily completed year 12 or equivalent. However, applicants who are 18 years and above who have no formal qualification and who can provide evidence of relevant and sufficient work experience including a proficiency in English equivalent to IELTS 5.5 or equivalent may also be considered. Each of the courses SBI offers further outlines specific entry requirements; please check SBI Course Flyers or the SBI Website, or contact SBI Support Officers for further information.



All prospective students are required to complete an enrolment form prior to course commencement to ascertain contact details, Unique Student Identifier, course of interest, emergency contact details, whether there is any recognition of prior learning and to collect the relevant statistical information required for AVETMISS reporting.

The back of the enrolment form outlines the Terms and Conditions of enrolment, including student’s rights and responsibilities. Students are required to sign the back of the form to acknowledge their agreement with SBI’s terms and conditions.

A copy of the Enrolment Agreement Form will be supplied to the learner, in line with the Australian Consumer Law requirements, prior to course commencement.

The SBI’s Student Services Manager is responsible for ensuring each student has completed an enrolment form prior to course commencement.

Following is a list of “Terms & Conditions of Enrolment” listed on the Enrolment Agreement Form:

  • Enrolment and Selection;
  • Course Fees, Payments and Refunds;
  • Consumer guarantee;
  • Fee Protection;
  • Complaints and Appeals;
  • Credit Transfer;
  • Language, Literacy and Numeracy;
  • Support Services;
  • Legislative and Regulatory Requirements; and
  • Workplace Health and Safety.

Prospective students need to attach certified evidence of qualifications, work experience (if relevant) and IELTS test results (if relevant).

The Student Service Manager then reviews the application and determines if an offer should be made on the basis of the entry requirements for the qualification. To be accepted, the applicant must at least meet the academic entry requirements and the minimum IELTS requirement (for international students). The entry requirements can be assessed using the RTO education equivalency document to align overseas qualifications. IELTS testing is not required where an applicant clearly has the required English language skills. The evidence for this would include certified evidence of completing education in an English-speaking country or at an English-speaking school or completing a Certificate IV or higher-level qualification in Australia.

Where an offer is issued to an applicant, the Student Service Manager must sign and date the appropriate section on the student agreement.

Once an offer has been approved by the Student Service Manager, an Offer Letter will be prepared and despatched to the student. The Offer Letter outlines the terms of the offer, including any initial pre-payments to be made by the applicant. Once SBI receives the fee payment and signed agreement from the applicant, a confirmation of enrolment will be issues.

For International Students, a Certificate of Enrolment (CoE) will be generated on PRISMS. If the applicant’s educational qualifications do not meet SBI’s admission requirements, other factors will be considered. These are:

  • Mature age;
  • Work experience;
  • Attitude and aptitude;
  • Previous academic results;
  • Attendance rate at previous Institutes;
  • Ability and skills to function in an academic environment; and
  • Possibility to succeed in his/her academic endeavours.



Students will need to do some self-study as well as assessment preparation throughout their course of study. As a result, access to a computer as well as internet access needs to be available to students (it is highly recommended that students purchase their own device to ensure that there is no limitation). In addition, SBI has made a fully equipped computer lab, free wifi access as well as a library available to students which they can use for self-study during SBI business hours.